Prevention Intervention
The best way to address sex trafficking in our communities is to prevent it. Giving students, families, and school personnel the tools to see the red flags and indicators of a sex trafficker attempting to recruit a victim is the first step. The second step is to make sure once a person identifies a red flag or indicator that they know how to respond to prevent the sex trafficking from occurring.
These prevention materials were developed by a multidisciplinary group of experts on teaching exceptional children, supporting exceptional children regarding social emotional development, and experienced sex trafficking scholars.
The attached materials are to be used by special educators with youth who are ages 12+ (middle and high school students) and have the developmental maturity and cognitive ability to follow social stories and participate in role plays to build new knowledge about sex trafficking.
The prevention materials include the two topics below. Materials are summarized in the lesson plan which highlights the objectives, materials, teaching instructions, a cloze notes handout, recruitment notes with answers, and a recruitment role play.
Sex Trafficking Recruitment
Sex trafficking – looking out for friends
Next Steps... Learn more about how to protect students and intervene.